celluma LED light therapy


Celluma LED light therapy is a new technology at MAD Aesthetics that has been cleared by the FDA to treat stubborn acne, reduce wrinkles and treat arthritic pain and post-surgery stiffness without the dangerous side-effects caused by drugs. This exciting new technology delivers blue, red and near-infrared light energy to painlessly stimulate cellular activity resulting in clearer skin while reducing pain.

Celluma LED Light Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical addition to your facial treatments that use specific LED light wavelengths to treat your uneven skin tone, increase your blood flow, promote healthy circulation and relieve stiffness.

Not only does LED Light Therapy treat your skin on the outside, it also improves your cellular health by promoting accelerated repair of your skin’s tissues.

Celluma is unique and quite unlike any other low-level light therapy device available today. Based on NASA research, Celluma devices deliver blue, red and near-infrared light energy to safely address a wide variety of conditions, including acne, wrinkles and pain. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes. For example, some reduce inflammation and some kill bacteria, while others enhance localized circulation. Its unique flexible design and extra-large light panel facilitates effective energy absorption by tissue and molds closely to the body for more optimum outcomes.

Celluma is the only single LED panel device FDA cleared to treat with 3 discrete wavelengths simultaneously. Celluma is equally effective as a pain management or aesthetic modality.



What is low-level-light therapy? Low-level-light therapy or photobiomodulation is based on Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology and is the application of light energy to the body for therapeutic benefits. It promotes a natural photobiochemical reaction similar to the process of plant photosynthesis. The energy delivered by the LEDs has been shown to enhance cellular metabolism, accelerate the repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells, as well as stimulate the production of collagen — the foundation of healthy, smooth skin. Research has shown that LED light therapy may help smooth skin texture, improve skin firmness and resilience, increase lymphatic system activity, restore skin’s natural cellular activity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and superficial hyperpigmentation. The treatment is for all skin types, and is non-ablative, non-invasive, painless, and requires absolutely no downtime. Patients or clients can return to their normal activity immediately after the treatment.

For what purpose is light therapy used? Based on extensive research, low-level-light therapy devices have been cleared by the FDA, and shown to manage:

  • Mild to moderate acne vulgaris

  • Superficial, benign vascular and pigment lesions

  • Periorbital wrinkles and rhytides

  • Sub-optimal local blood flow and circulation

  • Minor muscle and joint aches

  • Minor muscle and joint pain

  • Pain and stiffness associated with arthritis

  • Minor arthritis or muscle spasms

  • Minor chronic neck and shoulder pain of a musculoskeletal origin

Are there any harmful side effects to low-level light therapy? LED devices are considered extremely low risk when used as intended.

Does Light therapy hurt? No. Light therapy is non-invasive and is painless when used as intended. It is a very relaxing treatment, most clients end up falling asleep.

How safe is light therapy? Low-level-light therapy is based on light emitting diode (LED) technology developed for NASA-manned space flight experiments. In comparison to lasers, the patented LED technology generates negligible amounts of heat and is not considered a significant risk device.

Does light therapy utilize UV light? No. Celluma utilizes a combination of blue, red, and near-infrared (not visible to the naked eye) light emitting diodes (LEDs) only.

How long does a Celluma session last? Thirty (30) minutes.

Can I apply makeup after a Celluma session? Yes. You may resume all normal activities immediately following use.

Who can use Celluma? Celluma should not be used on children under 12, or over the breast or stomach of a breast-feeding or pregnant person.

How Often Should I Use Celluma? LED light therapy can improve your skin over time—the recommended frequency for anti-agin and acne is at least 2 times per week for 5 weeks. You’ll need maintenance treatments to maintain your results.

What is the down time or recovery? Because LED Light Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment, there is no formal downtime or recovery period associated with each session. Clients are able to return to their normal daily activities, including work, immediately following treatment.



Schedule as an add-on to any facial or as a series of stand-alone treatments.

Celluma Stand-Alone Treatment: As a stand alone service this includes:

Cleanse | 30 min of LED Light Therapy while relaxing listening to a guided meditation | hand/arm massage, scalp High Frequency/massage | moisturizer/SPF.

40 Min. $75

Celluma Body Pain Relief/Wound Healing: This can be booked as a stand alone treatment of ADD ON to any other SKIN/BODY service.

30 min. $60

Celluma Add-On to Any Facial: End your facial with LED Light Therapy

+ 30 Min. + $55


benefits of using celluma over other technologies

  • Dramatically increase circulation to heal and repair damaged skin.

  • Stimulates collagen and cellular activity for younger looking skin.

  • Reduces redness from dilated capillaries.

  • Increases lymphatic system activity to improve the flow of the lymph system for faster healing.

  • Improves RNA & DNA synthesis to quickly repair damaged cells.


Why is Celluma Light Therapy for Anti-Aging Different?

When it comes to aging, a significant factor that leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and joint pain is due to inadequate collagen levels. Collagen is the main structural protein found in your skin and other connective tissue. Collagen literally holds our bodies together. An easy way to remember what collagen does is to look at the Greek prefix ‘kolla’ which means glue.

Increased fibroblast proliferation is just one benefit of LED red light therapy. Fibroblasts make collagen fibers, so it stands to reason that the more, and healthier, fibroblasts we have in the skin, the more and better collagen fibers are made. And as we all know, collagen synthesis and maintenance is the bedrock of anti-aging.

Healthy collagen levels are what give us a glowing complexion, firm skin, strong nails, dense bones, and healthy hair. It is also essential in keeping muscles, joints, and tendons in healthy working order. Simply put, the more our bodies produce collagen, the better we’ll look and feel as we get older.

Proven red and near-infrared wavelengths are utilized in the Celluma SERIES of LED light therapy devices to combat the signs of aging. These specific wavelengths of light energy are clinically verified to enhance your body ‘s natural ability to generate collagen and elastin by activating the fibroblast cells.

No prescriptions. No medications. No injections. No surgery. Just safe, natural wavelengths of effective, proven light energy.


Safety, effectiveness and value should always be the priority. Celluma is FDA cleared for the treatment of acne.

Because of Celluma’s unique ability to mold to the treatment area to improve cellular performance on a microscopic level, skin cells are able to absorb even more light energy in less time, speeding up the acne elimination and skin healing process. Because of the ability to place the device close to the skin, Celluma outperforms many even more expensive devices that cannot mold closely to the treatment area.

Celluma’s blue wavelengths kill the bacteria that causes breakouts, while reducing the inflammation, pimples and redness associated with acne. A reduction in lesions and overall improvement in skin appearance is often seen in only a matter of weeks. Of course, outcomes vary depending on severity of the condition and compliance to recommended protocols.

Not only is Celluma light therapy naturally effective, it has more FDA clearances than any other panel-style light therapy device, so you can rest assured you’re getting high-quality blue light acne treatment that’s backed by science.

wound healing:

How Is Celluma Light Therapy Used for the Treatment of Dermal Wounds?

Low level-light therapy has been shown to decrease a patient’s recovery time while reducing discomfort levels and enhancing overall outcomes. It is ideally suited following any ablative procedure as well as pre and post-surgery for the following reasons:

Phototherapy has been shown to accelerate tissue repair, decrease wound size, accelerate the resolution of erythema, accelerate wound closure and prevent dehiscence.

Phototherapy prior to surgery may reduce the incidence of hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Ongoing post-surgery photo-rejunvenation (activation of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, stimulation of keratinocytes which produce keratin to provide structural strength to the skin).

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation prevention. Activation of mast, macrophage and neutrophil cells can decrease inflammation and protect against infection.

Phototherapy is anti-bacterial. The presence of P-acne bacteria can lead to post-operative infections, particularly in shoulder surgery. Using the professional grade LED light therapy prior to surgery can decrease the presence of this bacteria.

pain relief:

How Is Celluma Light Therapy Used for Pain Relief?

In the same way that plants grow by getting their energy from the sun during photosynthesis, Infrared light therapy — or “low-level light” therapy — uses specific, proven wavelengths to stimulate a natural response in human tissue that can increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, ease muscle pain, relieve joint stiffness, and enhance overall cell performance on a microscopic level. Infrared light therapy works by boosting cellular energy to encourage and enhance the body’s natural healing abilities.​

When tissue is damaged, pain occurs. Human tissue can be compromised in a variety of ways; a sprained ankle, a surgical procedure that didn’t heal properly, or even an overly intense gym session can all cause bodily discomfort and emotional distress.

When it comes to effective treatment of pain conditions with LED light therapy, wavelength is key. Compared to blue light therapy, near-infrared wavelengths can penetrate deep into the muscle and joint tissue to alleviate pain, increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Infrared light therapy provides compromised cells with extra energy to accelerate the natural repair of compromised tissue cells, foster cell production, and restore homeostasis within the body.