Cosmetic Tattooing, also called Semi-Permanent Makeup or Micropigmentation,

is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of a tiny, sterile, disposable needle to produce the appearance of cosmetic makeup or to enhance the natural features of the face. The purpose of Cosmetic Tattooing is to enhance the natural features of a client. Cosmetic Tattooing is softer and more subtle – it is meant to be a natural-looking beauty enhancement. Body tattoos use ink while cosmetic tattoo procedures involve only iron-oxide based pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the technician to make changes to color and shape over the years as client’s natural coloration and facial changes occur.



Microblading is a form of cosmetic tattooing done using a handheld tool, comprised of tiny needles. The microblade is used to create small, hairlike strokes in the skin throughout the brow that blend with your natural hair. This technique lasts about 2-3 years before needing a color boost. Not recommend for really oily skin. Two sessions are needed to achieve final look.


aka microshading

Powder brows are a form of cosmetic tattooing that replicates the appearance of a makeup-like “powder” look. There is no powder actually used (same pigment as microblading), it’s just implemented into the skin using a cosmetic tattoo machine to create super-soft, tiny pixelated dots that will heal like a soft shadow under the skin. Powder is great for all skin types and will last 2-5 years before needing a color boost! Two sessions are needed to achieve the final look.


Combo brows is a combination of two forms of semi-permanent techniques: Microblading and Powder brows (shading). Microblading hair-strokes are placed with a manual tool around the border of the brow to give the brow a natural look. The powder effect is applied to the body of the brow using a permanent makeup device to give the brow its fullness.

Combo Brows are great for clients with normal to moderately oily skin. So if your skin is too oily for microblading alone, combo brows might be a viable alternative. For someone with very sparse brows, the shading can give the brow more body, while the hair-strokes keep it looking natural.

color boost

aka Touch Up

All color boost clients will be asked to email a photo to A lot of clients retain pigment up to (or past) two years. Going over the eyebrow too soon could compromise the integrity of the skin and cause the previous microblading to appear blurred. The months refer to how many months it has been since your Perfecting Session.

For existing clients only.

6-9 Month $200. 10-18 Month $300



Does it hurt? Most clients describe the sensation as painless or minimal to slight discomfort. A highly-effective, topical anesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing before and during your procedure. Pain threshold levels vary from person to person and every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the entirety of the procedure.

How long does the procedure take? The procedure length depends on the client’s needs and brow scenario. From either end of the spectrum, you can estimate anywhere from 2-3 hours.

How long does the healing process take? The skin is not considered to be completely HEALED until after 30 days of a full cycle of cellular regeneration, but your procedure areas will appear and feel normal within 7-10 days.

Are there any limitations after having the procedure? You will be given a post procedure care sheet after your appointment explaining the healing process. In short, the week after the procedure you should avoid things like saunas, chlorine, certain chemical face products, brow pencil, etc. After the brows are fully healed, there are no limitations. The pigment is smudge proof and you can resume your regular activities. Sunscreen is recommended to prevent fading.

How long do the semi-permanent microbladed brows last? The treatment is considered semi-permanent and will not wash off, however, it will fade over time and may need a touch-up every 6-18 months. Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: the pigment color used (lighter colors fade faster), lifestyle (sun exposure), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), and if any chemical peels come into contact with treated areas. Please note that final results can not be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your touch-up appointment and make any changes necessary. Touch-ups are normal for cosmetic tattoo procedures, with each new procedure requiring 2 visits. The initial procedure followed by a touch-up procedure about 2 months later. Previously tattooed eyebrows may require one or two additional appointments and rarely achieve similar results to those who have no previous tattoo work.

Are there side effects? Like any medical or cosmetic procedure, everyone has a risk of reaction. Allergic reactions or rash caused by the pigment or anesthetic is uncommon, but possible. If the area is not cared for properly, following the procedure, infection or scarring is also a slight risk.

When will I see results? The results are immediate. Although it does take 5-7 days for the initial healing process, followed by 30 days for the pigment to fully incorporate.

Am I a good candidate for Cosmetic Tattoo Brows? Anyone who has trouble filling their brows or experience hair loss or thinning are also perfect candidates. Individuals with dry, normal to combination skin types make excellent candidates for Microblading, Powder Brows or a Combo. The brow strokes will show up very crisp and clear. Individuals with oily to severely oily skin would not be a candidate for Microblading stokes, only Powder Brows.

To see if you are a good candidate, see how your brows would look or have any questions about Cosmetic Brow Tattooing, please book a Brow Styling + Cosmetic Tattoo Brow Consult

Will my brows fade? There will be slight fading, after 3-6 weeks of healing, the color you see is most likely the color it will remain. Touch ups or color boosts are recommended over time. Individuals with oily skin will most likely need touchups more frequently.

Are there different color options? Of course! Each client receives a custom experience… from brow shape, hair growth pattern, to coloring. The color is based on your natural (or preferred hair color) and can easily be altered to an appropriate shade.

Do I need to schedule time off work? It’s not necessary. There is no down time following the procedure, but you tenderness and swelling are common on the day following the procedure.

What are the pigments made of? The pigments used in Cosmetic Tattooing come in a variety of colors specially formulated with iron oxide, an ingredient safe for the skin. I do not use pigments made from organic ingredients, such as vegetables as they have a high risk of carrying bacteria and causing allergic reactions. Because color is implanted just underneath the dermal layer of the skin, the resulting shade is soft and muted, unlike regular cosmetic makeup that sits on the surface of the skin.

Please note: Eyebrows will appear darker and bolder due to natural healing for the first 7-10 days. This is very common for all permanent cosmetic procedures.


Microblading, Powder Brows (Microshading), & Combo Brows— We will decide which service is best for your eyebrows the day of your appointment or prior at your consultation.

All are the same price and are under the service list as ‘Cosmetic Brow Tattoo’.

A consultation is not required but encouraged. Please book ‘Brow Styling + Cosmetic Tattoo Brow Consultation’


Cosmetic tattooing is NOT recommended for any clients who are or have:

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Diabetic

  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)

  • Viral infections &/or diseases

  • Epilepsy

  • Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Organ Transplant

  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, ect.)

  • Botox in the past 2 weeks

  • Accutane in the past year

what to know before procedure:

  • Do not take Advil, Aspirin or other over-the-counter pain relievers for three days before your appointment time. Tylenol is ok

  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment time

  • Do not drink caffeine the day of appointment

  • Your menstrual cycle may cause your sensitivity to be heightened during the treatment.

  • You may complete the following services prior to your tattoo appointment:
    - Eyebrow waxing up to two days prior
    - Brow tint up to one week prior

  • Avoid Botox, fillers, AHA products, and retinoids for 3-4 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • Do not have advanced skin resurfacing treatments such as laser, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, etc., performed six weeks prior to your appointment

  • Understand that tanning beds, the sun and pools can affect pigmentation retention and skin integrity during the service and post-procedure. Avoid sun exposure for four weeks before and after your appointment

  • Latisse and other brow growth serums may interfere with the permanent makeup pigment or guest sensitivity. Please do not use these products for two weeks prior to your procedure

  • Stop use of fish oil 2 weeks prior

    It is important to discuss all medications and over-the-counter treatments you are currently taking or have recently taken prior to your appointment to prevent services being performed that are not advised for your conditions.



Proper care following your procedure is important and required to achieve optimum results. PLEASE BE PATIENT, EVERYBODY HEALS DIFFERENTLY. Keep in mind that some intensity of color will be lost, and/or the color may heal unevenly. This is normal for some procedures, especially after the initial application. This is the reason for the follow-up appointment- to fill in any light areas, to go a little darker or thicker if desired, and to adjust shape or color if needed. Please read and follow the directions provided.

  • Some tenderness, puffiness (even bruising), redness, and itching can be normal for the tattoo healing process.

  • DO NOT PICK, PEEL, OR SCRATCH the treated area as this could result in pigment loss, scarring, and secondary infection.

  • Always wash your hands with soap for at least 30 seconds before washing or applying aftercare ointment to your procedure.

  • Absolutely no topical makeup until the peeling/flaking phase has finished. Topical makeup may have bacteria and your new procedure (s) need adequate to heal to avoid irritation and/ or infection. You may apply new makeup on the tattoo once they are finished peeling/ flaking. No facials or skin care treatments for a minimum of two weeks.

  • During the healing process DO NOT expose your new tattoo to direct sun, chemicals, hot tubs, saunas, direct shower spray, hot water, saltwater, chlorinated pools, lakes, or ponds.

  • Absolutely no pet grooming, gardening, dusting, or anything that creates dust, dirt, and dander for a minimum of 72 hours. Direct sun exposure and tanning beds should be avoided indefinitely as both are damaging to the area and both degrade color at a rapid pace.

  • Please avoid exercise for at least 7-10 days.

  • I will provide you with the ointment and soap you will use. Although it is important to use this ointment, using it excessively can starve the skin of air and result in pigment loss during the healing process. Use just enough to moisten your tattoo. A moist but breathable barrier is key. Allergic reaction is extremely rare but possible. If you notice any bumps, rash or you think you may be having a reaction, stop using the ointment immediately, cleanse the area and call me.


Using the soap provided on and around the procedure area using a very light touch to cleanse twice a day for 7-10 days. DO NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA) or any exfoliating ingredients. Anti-aging and acne products are NOT safe. Foam up the soap in your hands then use that foam to gently cleanse your tattoo, wash with the direction of the hair. Rinse well. Gently blot dry with a paper towel. Wait 5-10 minutes before applying healing ointment to be sure all moisture has evaporated. Never put ointment on a damp or wet tattoo. Showering- Do not take an exceptionally hot shower and keep doorways open as to not cause a steam effect. Keep your face/procedure out of the water while you finish your shower routine. Do not let the shower spray hit you directly in the face. Save your procedure cleansing routine for the very last.