Reveal a smoother, brighter complexion

Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a tool designed to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. Dermaplaning is a favorite in the entertainment industry, specifically among models and actresses. Why? It also eliminates that annoying peach fuzz that cakes up in makeup and can be enhanced by harsh production lighting and high-definition cameras. Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells and also the vellus facial hair (peach fuzz), leaving the surface very smooth. Dermaplaning also allows for greater penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup to glide on smoothly. In fact, Dermaplaning is also used to help prepare skin for other procedures such as Micro-needling, laser treatments and chemical peels.

Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types except acneic skin. If you have deep cystic acne, wait until breakouts are clear before trying this treatment.

Your skin will immediately look more radiant with a more even skin tone and texture. Peach fuzz is removed, which is why first-timers say their skin has never felt so soft.  Keep in mind… the true benefit is the epidermal exfoliation…the peach fuzz is a side bonus.

Many women are often concerned that removing peach fuzz will make it grow back heavier and darker, but that is not the case. Superficial vellus hair (peach fuzz) will grow back at the same rate and with the same texture as it was prior to the treatment.

This procedure is designed to address:

  • Removes dead skin cells & vellus hair (peach fuzz) that traps dirt & oil

  • Promotes smoother texture & brighter complexion

  • Allows for better absorption of products

  • Physical exfoliation

  • Quick 20 minute procedure


  • Overall skin health


How it works:

If you look at the tool used for dermaplaning treatments, you may notice it looks like a razor you would use on your body hair. The basic concept of dermaplaning is the same as shaving. By aiming a sterile blade at a 45-degree angle and dragging it slowly across your skin, you remove dead cells, scar tissue, and other debris that may be making your skin’s surface look uneven.Your skin is exposed daily to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage. This can cause the top layer of your skin to appear dull, and it can make you look aged. Dermaplaning clears away those damaged skin cells so newer skin cells are what you see when you look in the mirror. Reports on how effective dermaplaning is are mostly anecdotal. Everyone has different results, and it’s hard to objectively quantify whether the treatment is a success or not.



When will I see results? Initial benefits from dermplane treatments are immediately apparent. However, optimal results require regular maintenance treatments. It took many years for your skin to lose its vitality, and it takes time to regenerate new cells. One session every 4-6 weeks is recommended to obtain maximum results.

What can I expect after my dermaplane? Because dermaplaning is non-invasive it has a low risk of complications and is one of the safest skin rejuvenation procedures available. Some clients report redness or dry feeling in their skin after a treatment, but this is temporary. Very rarely the skin can be nicked. This typically heals almost on the spot – remember – most men use a blade on their faces almost every day and nick themselves regularly with no long-term effects! Typical care following your treatment includes the use of moisturizers and sunscreens, and avoiding sun exposure for a few days. There is no downtime for this “lunch hour” procedure, and most people return to their regular activities immediately.

Will the “peach fuzz” on my face grow back darker and thicker after a dermaplane? No. This is a common myth, but the hair on your face is not the same as the hair on your legs or bikini line. It will not be affected by a dermaplane in any way.

What should I NOT expect from my dermplane treatment? Regular use of dermaplane treatments can improve or eliminate superficial skin problems. It works on all skin types and colors to produce subtle changes, causing no skin color change or scarring. However, it is not effective for problems such as stretch marks, keloids (an overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a healed skin injury) reducing wrinkles, or deep acne scars.

Can I combine my dermaplane with other treatments? The answer to that is a resounding yes! Not only can you combine a dermaplane with chemical peels, or Microchanneling, you should! By removing the outermost layer of the epidermis, a dermaplane treatment then allows whatever rejuvenating treatment that follows it to have a deeper and more long-lasting effect.

Can I wear makeup after Dermaplaning? Ever notice how peach fuzz tends to stand out even more underneath foundation and face powders? Well, since dermaplaning removes all the little hairs on your face, your makeup will actually glide on super smoothly. But hold up—although it’s tempting to see the results right away, try to avoid slapping on a face full of makeup immediately after your dermaplaning treatment. I love to let the skin breathe for the rest of the day. If you need to wear makeup, you can, but your skin barrier is more open and may become more irritated.  Once your skin has had time to settle (about a day), proceed with all the foundation your little heart desires.

treatments and services

ADD ON Dermaplaning: This is an ADD ON service to any SKIN or DMK treatments. *This cannot be added on to any brow or lash services.

20 min. $30

Dermaplaning: This is a stand alone service that incudes:

Cleanse | Dermaplane | Finishing Products

30 min. $60

Dermaplane Facial: You will be GLOWING after this facial. This service includes:

Double Cleanse (hot towels) | Dermaplane | High Frequency | Custom Boosters/Serums | Alginate Jelly Mask | Decollate, Neck, Shoulder Massage | Hydrating Oil with Cold Globe Facial Massage | Finishing Products

75 min. $150

Dermaplane + Chemical Peel: Dermaplaning and chemical peels work so well together because the removal of dead cells and peach fuzz allows for deeper penetration and more effective use of the chemical peel.

Double Cleanse | Dermaplane | Custom Peel | Hydrating Sheet Masque with Cold Globe Facial Massage | 30 min. LED Light Therapy | Finishing Products

80 min. $200

pre & post care


  • Discontinue use of any exfoliating cleansers or scrubs 3 – 5 days before treatment

  • Avoid direct UV sunlight or exposure for 5 – 7 days before treatment

  • Do not schedule an injectable appointment before or immediately after treatment

  • Schedule any other facial treatments 1 – 2 weeks before service

  • Reschedule your appointment if you have acne lesions or open wounds


  • Avoid the use of saunas or steam rooms and don’t engage in any strenuous exercise for 24 hours

  • Avoid using any products on your face which contain exfoliating ingredients for 24 hours to avoid irritating your skin any further

  • Do not wear any makeup for 24 hours

  • Do not book in any other facial treatments until 2 weeks after your dermaplaning

  • Follow a very simple skincare routine for 2 weeks post-treatment. Cleanse your skin gently a very mild cleanser

  • It is important to moisturize your freshly exfoliated skin regularly to rehydrate it. Many clients find that products containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and retinol are particularly effective post dermaplaning treatment

  • Do not rub your skin dry, instead pat it gently

  • Avoid the use of any harsh cleaning products

  • Avoid using a washcloth, instead just use your clean fingers to cleanse your face

  • Steer clear of direct sun exposure for 2 weeks post-treatment and then use a high factor sunscreen (SPF 30+) to protect your delicate facial skin